Refusal no. 46: Wrexham lap dancing club refused SEV licence

This application was refused by Wrexham Council on 27 July, but in a strange move decided to offer a hearing at which the pros and cons of the application would be heard. The initial proposal for a lap dance club, in a premise that lacked planning permission for a sexual entertainment venue, faced 8 written objections and a number of petitions suggesting the granting of a licence would be inappropriate.

Following extensive discussion at a licensing hearing on Monday (13th Oct), members of the Environmental committee of Wrexham Council took the decision to refuse the licence. The decision to refuse was taken on the grounds that it would be inappropriate to grant having: “regard to the character of the relevant locality the use to which premises in the vicinity are put; and further that the number of sex establishments in the relevant locality is equal to the number which the authority considers appropriate for the locality, namely two”.

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